Dear Colleagues,
This is our Last Call for Papers for the XVIII Annual International Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) in Sofia, Bulgaria, 23 – 26 June 2020. The Conference theme is Educational Reforms Worldwide.
The full paper submission deadline is 14 February 2020. All accepted papers will be published in Vol. 18 / 2020 of BCES Conference Books. As always, the volume will appear both print and online before the Conference beginning.
Abstract & full paper submission deadline: 14 February 2020. Click HERE.
Early bird registration: Closed. | Standard registration: Open. Click HERE.
For more information please visit the Conference website:
The Annual International Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) is a traditional, scholarly, interdisciplinary, high-grade event. Specialists from all over the world every year come to the Conference as to present their studies. The Conference purposefully keeps a small size aiming at organizing the best quality selection of papers and providing excellent opportunities for presentations and discussions.
The goal of the XVIII BCES Conference in 2020 is to provide a platform for in-depth discussions on educational reforms worldwide. The Conference attracts case, international, and comparative studies on reforms in all levels of the educational systems – preschool, primary, lower and upper secondary, postsecondary, and higher education; and in all educational streams – general, vocational, and special education. Participants are invited to present their theoretical, methodological or empirical studies on reforms of various educational aspects – aims, priorities, missions, governance, finance, structures, curricula, syllabi, textbooks, teaching and learning styles, innovations, examinations, graduation requirements, academic degrees, etc.
Participants may focus on past, present or future educational reforms.
The term “educational reform” is meant as a radical change in a national education system as a result of adoption of a new education act or an amendment (Popov, 2019, p. 244). But participants may also present any educational modifications, improvements and innovations.
Regarding the field of professional activities or research interests this Conference is mainly for people who work or are interested in the field of education. However, people from other fields such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, anthropology, media, literature, linguistics, politics, culture and civilization studies, law, economy, information technologies, etc. can also be interested in the Conference.
Regarding the occupation this Conference is for (without claiming a full listing):
The Conference offers the following benefits to its participants:
Come to Sofia in June 2020 and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the BCES Annual International Conference.
Best wishes
Nikolay Popov
Professor Dr.habil. Nikolay Popov
BCES Conference Chair & BCES Conference Books Editor-in-Chief
Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES)
Professor of Comparative Education
Head of Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work
Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts
Sofia University