Call for Proposals: Comparative Education Review Editor Search

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Call for Proposals: Comparative Education Review Editor Search

The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), through the Standing Committee on Publications, calls for proposals for an editor and editorial team for the Comparative Education Review (CER).  Every five years the CER editorship is up for bid.  This RFP is open to anyone wishing to present a proposal, inclusive of the current editorial team which may propose a second term.

The selected editor will assume a 5-year term, beginning on July 1, 2018.

Proposals from the prospective editor are encouraged to address a vision for the future of CER and its intellectual support of CIES membership and comparative and international research on education in general. A proposal should also present the editor’s ideas for special issues, forums, debates; strategies to increase CER’s scholarly impact; and innovative ways to disseminate the journal’s content, including social media and other dissemination strategies that can further expand CER’s reach. The proposal should include a description of the proposed editorial team and explain how it will ensure diversity of intellectual perspectives in the field, maintain the methodological strength of CIES scholarship, and support representation of current and emerging content areas and regions of the world.

The editor provides leadership to the journal by overseeing a double-blind peer review process involving intensive communications with both authors and reviewers. The editor reports annually to the CIES Board of Directors and submits a yearly budget. For details on the work of the current editor and co-editors, prospective applicants should read the sample of editorial correspondence that is posted on the CER website under the “for authors” tab. The editor works with the editorial team to process manuscript submissions and reviews in a timely manner and receives input from an advisory editorial board on such matters as moderated discussions, special issue topics, and style. The editor works closely with the publisher to ensure submission, 5 months in advance, of clear, clean copy for the paper and electronic versions of CER. With support from the editorial team, the CER editor works with authors to ensure that submitted material adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style. The editorial team also engages in knowledge mobilization activities by maintaining CER’s active presence on social media (e.g, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).
While CIES provides partial financial support for the journal office, applicants are expected to obtain financial support from their institutional homes. Such support might include some teaching release time for the editor, funding for a graduate assistant to match support from CIES, travel to annual CIES meetings, and adequate space and equipment. The prospective editor should have colleagues and students available on site or as part of a close collaborative network to assist the work of the editorship. Further details on the current CER budget, and an overview of the work involved, can be found in the annual reports of the CER, which maybe requested from the CIES Office of Executive Director ( Questions regarding the application procedure can be directed to the chair of the Standing Committee on Publications, Iveta Silova (

The CIES Standing Committee on Publications seeks prospective candidates who bring a proven track record of scholarship in comparative and international education, who have demonstrated leadership in the field, and who have the capacity and judgment to carry out the varied roles of editor. The application should include a narrative of no more than 6,000 words, plus supporting documentation. Narratives should include a statement of the goals and rationale for editing the journal, explaining the prospective editor’s plans to lead the journal over the next 5-year term. Supporting documentation should include letters of institutional support, complete CVs of anticipated editorial colleagues, and a proposed budget.

The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2017. Applications should be e-mailed to the CIES Office of the Executive Director ( Members of the Standing Committee are: Iveta Silova, Arizona State University (Chair), Frank Adamson, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education; Lesley Bartlett, University of Madison-Wisconsin; Jason Beech, Universidad de San Andres; Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher, University of Pennsylvania; and Kristen Molyneaux, MacArthur Foundation.