29 November – 01 December 2023
Conference Theme
The International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST) holds its X Annual International Conference from 29th November to 1st December 2023.
This is also its 4th virtual conference. Interpreting Teaching Learning Experiences in Science, Education and Technology via Comparative Processes is the theme for this year’s conference.
All interested persons from societal institutions are invited to participate by presenting a paper and/or by actively engaging in the plenary sessions. A special invitation is extended to teachers, lecturers, university students and administrative staff.
As a comparative education society with a focus on science and technology, via this year’s theme, ISCEST emphasises the need for participants to adopt a comparative approach for their paper presentation. There is no denying that we are living in an age where technological advancement is an imperative. Science and technology share a symbiotic relationship, since each contributes to each other’s progression. Education sits among the many societal institutions that support the processes of innovation in these fields. It is also an important medium for all other scientific development and expansion. It follows then that education, science and technology are at the heart of national and sustainable development. To this end, it is clear, that comparative methods and strategies are the tools that educators need to enhance teaching learning experiences in these areas.
Comparisons are constantly made in everyday life, for very good and sometimes beneficial reasons. In a similar vein, Comparisons made in teaching learning situations are advantageous for teachers and learners alike. The process of comparing lends itself to most, if not all educational situations, in the broadest and narrowest of circumstances. In making comparisons, a researcher is provided with a wider scope to frame his/her analysis. And when interpreted within different contexts, this can lead to greater understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Comparisons can be made in the context of class, school, institutional, local, regional and international domains. Cross-cultural comparisons can shed more light on societal similarities and differences on given levels in various settings. There are many and varied starting points for research to make use of the comparative method. For example, the global Covid-19 scenario has tested the continuation of standard teaching learning activities in untold ways. This situation has provided numerous opportunities for educators to employ the comparative method in their research work. The theme of this conference encourages such an approach for participants who are presenting papers. The very nature of ISCEST offers many prospects to conference participants. The conference theme spreads in the areas of education, science and technology. Since these are broad themes, they offer a wide range of topics for research, follow-up discussion and application to real-life situations.
This conference is giving a chance to all presenters to take advantage of the opportunity given to present papers of a comparative nature. The editors of Current Studies in Comparative Education, Science and Technology (CSCEST) are eagerly waiting to your publish papers. Here are some suggested subthemes that can be developed for paper presentations:
Call for Abstracts & Papers
Abstract submission
Notes on abstract submission
Full papers
Local participants: ₦15,000
Students: ₦5,000
Overseas participants: US$50
Bank Details:
International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST)
United Bank of Africa (UBA) PLC:
Naira Account No.: 102 090 5168
USD Account No.: 300 241 8141