01 – 03 December 2022
Conference Theme
International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST) announces its IX Annual International Conference and its third virtual conference. The theme is Rethinking Sustainable Education for Sustainability in a Pandemic Age. ISCEST invites interested persons from all societal institutions to participate by presenting a paper and/or by getting involved in the plenary sessions. Postgraduate students and all those who are linked to education in any shape or form are particularly encouraged to attend the conference.
It is difficult to think of sustainability without considering sustainable development, and by extension, education, since it makes allowance for all related sustainability challenges and problems to enter teaching and learning spaces. The issues are interconnected on international levels. Therefore, there remains a place for sustainable education in the global and local curriculum, because it helps to provide the knowledge, skills and attitude that are required for long-term goals and sustainable development. But times have changed and the need to refocus attention on sustainable education has never been more acute.
The expression living with Covid has been banded around in social media and community circles. Whether used formally or flippantly, it points to the need to rethink sustainable education in its broadest and narrowest confines. The ISCEST has long recognised the important role that science and technology play in national development. It is clear that there is no limit to the curricular themes that are appropriate for use in these fields. Environmental, economic or social sustainability each lend itself to a number of subject pathways that help to frame the sustainability discussion in a pandemic age. Moreover, the number of environmental, economic and social changes that are taking place worldwide, does demonstrate the significance of ISCEST’s 2022 conference theme. Therefore, all educational institutions should recognise the wisdom in teaching sustainable living to their learners. Educators should not shy away from their responsibility to put sustainability at the heart of their curricular and non-curricular programmes. They should never lose sight of the fact that today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders. This means that a sustainable tomorrow rests in the hands of today’s children who are the next generation. It is the educators’ duty to provide learners with a deep understanding of the relevance of sustainability in a pandemic age. They should also ensure that learners are equipped with the skills and attitude necessary to maintain a sustainable future.
Education, science and technology are the broad conference themes. They offer a wide range of topics for research, follow-up discussion and application to real-life situations. This is an opportunity for conference participants to take advantage of the scope they are allowed to compare various situations. Please note that paper will be published in ISCEST’s official journal, Current Studies in Comparative Education, Science and Technology (CSCEST). Following are some suggestions that can be used to develop a paper for presentation:
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Engineering Science and Technology
Call for Abstracts & Papers
Abstract submission
Notes on abstract submission
Full papers
Local participants: ₦15,000
Students: ₦5,000
Overseas participants: US$50
Bank Details:
Name: International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology
Naira Account No.: 1020905168
USD Account No.: 3002418141